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    COPEL: Compliance with LGPD with Privacy Tools

    LGPD and integrations project included the implementation of CmTech from Pernambuco

    The process of implementing privacy management software is marked by challenges and discoveries. The data protection market is aware that much more than a system is needed to successfully adapt to the LGPD, but it is also common sense that without a robust platform there is a lot of rework and a lack of automation at different stages of the journey.

    With this in mind, COPEL, Companhia Paranaense de Energia, the largest company in the state of Paraná, sought to provide more security and trust for its data holders through the platform of the startup Privacy Tools from Rio Grande do Sul, which has a complete system for project automation compliance with the LGPD.

    According to Lilian Andrade, data manager (DPO) at Copel: “The Privacy Tools platform contributed to the implementation of the privacy governance program at Copel, in accordance with the requirements set out in article 50 of the LGPD. The platform allows the management of privacy and data protection activities and good practices in an integrated and centralized way in a single tool.”

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    Suitability from northeast to south

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    The Privacy Tools implementation project was carried out by Pernambuco company CmTech, one of the fastest growing SMEs in Brazil with more than 20 years of history serving hundreds of businesses in both government and private companies.

    According to Rodrigo Vasconcelos, partner at CmTech: “Being able to carry out Data Discovery integrated with Data Mapping and automate the customer service flow involves in-depth knowledge in IT, IS, DevOps and LGPD, a robust tool is not enough , you have to know how to implement it with a focus on data subjects.”

    CmTech operates throughout the national territory and the project with Copel was one of the most important in adapting the company to the LGPD.

    Focus on data subjects

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    From data holders, that is, all citizens, customers or people who have data processed by Copel can exercise their rights through the Privacy Portal, a solution offered by Privacy Tools to provide safe transparency regarding the rights of data holders. .

    “We can especially highlight the availability of the Privacy Portal on the Copel website, where data holders can exercise their rights through a request in a form integrated into the tool.”, adds Lilian Andrade.

    Copel is one of the largest integrated electrical energy groups in Brazil, manages more than 200 thousand km of distribution networks and serves more than 5 million customers in Paraná. Providing quality service to such a wide audience requires the implementation of automation systems to assist the DPO.

    This feat was achieved with the use of Data Discovery integrated with customer service. Also according to Copel's data manager: “The Data Discovery tool allows the location of personal data in an integrated manner with the systems that process personal data at Copel, allowing a quick response to the data subject.”

    For the CEO of Privacy Tools, Aline Deparis: “Highly complex projects for large organizations with millions of owners need collaboration between all parties involved, which is why counting on strong partners like CmTech and the competence of Copel’s compliance and technology areas were fundamental to the success of the project”

    About Privacy Tools

    Privacy Tools is a leading privacy platform in the Brazilian market and a pioneer in offering solutions for LGPD in Brazil.

    It currently has more than 700 companies as clients, including Rede D’or, Banco RCI, Pague Menos, Farmácias São João, Grupo Bom Jesus, Grupo Fleury, Eletrobrás, Grupo RBS, among others.

    It is with the aim of assisting companies in this adaptation process that Privacy Tools brings privacy management solutions with modules designed for use in different market segments and to comply with the obligations of different legislation, such as LGPD and GDPR .

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