Pay Less Pharmacies implements a management system for LGPD.
To protect customer privacy, the leader's initiative in the north-northeast region seeks to adapt the business to the General Data Protection Law (LGPD).
With the entry into force of the LGPD (General Data Protection Law) in September 2020, all companies started to prioritize adaptation projects to protect the privacy and protection of data of customers, users and consumers and the search for tools for conformity.
But not every company left it to the last minute, many have been working in this direction for a long time and today they have the most advanced mechanisms and systems for LGPD to guarantee the privacy of customers, employees and suppliers: We are talking about Pague Menos pharmacies.
With almost 40 years of existence, the company was founded in 1981 in the Fortaleza neighborhood of Carlito Pamplona. In 1985, it pioneered the drugstore concept in Brazil, starting to market, in addition to medicines, hygiene, beauty and convenience products in a self-service model. According to Valor Econômico, Pague Menos is the third largest drugstore chain in Brazil, with strong leadership in the North and Northeast regions, where the company has a 10.7% and 20.5% market share, respectively. Also, according to the vehicle, the company has more than 1,100 stores, which gives a market share of 5.7%, most of which opened through organic growth.

The LGPD disciplines the "processing" of data, a term broad enough to cover any operation carried out with personal data of individuals located in Brazil or that have been collected here, involving the collection, production, reception, classification, use, access, reproduction , transmission, storage, among other activities.
The adaptation project for the LGPD began with the creation of committees and the definition of the DPO, that is, the person in charge of processing personal data in the company. Choosing a tool for LGPD is a fundamental step, as it is with it that the privacy program will be better managed by those responsible.
In the case of the pharmacy, the best LGPD platform was Privacy Tools, a Brazilian solution that already serves large companies in adaptation projects. The Privacy Tools platform delivers to the pharmacy the tools for cookie management, cardholder service portal, application privacy, data mapping, consent management, integrations and other systems to reduce manual work as much as possible.
According to the DPO and Executive Manager of IT Governance and Information Security at Pague Menos, Clayton Soares on choosing Privacy Tools: “We chose a national company that had a lot of flexibility for customizations. We deal with B2C and there are many business areas, each with its managers and specific needs, we needed a partner not just a supplier.”

In the pharmaceutical industry, there are many cases of complaints and discomfort from customers who need to inform various data to make a purchase. Pague Menos's concern with privacy comes to break this taboo by implementing an efficient privacy program that provides transparency to users about how data will be used.
In the drug trade, in some cases the request for data is absolutely legitimate due to Ordinance n. 344/1998 of ANVISA, which obliges pharmacies to dispense or dispense medical prescriptions only when all items in the prescription are filled (art. 52, §§ 2 and 3), and art. 36, caput, items “d” and “i”, includes the identification of the user (name and full address) and the buyer (full name, identification document number, full address and telephone number).
Also, according to Clayton, “Having a system for managing the LGPD is essential, but that's not all, companies need to deal with the cultural issue so that everyone involved is concerned with privacy, from the pharmacy attendant to the supplier of supplies, it is a joint work so that the customer has their rights protected”.
About PrivacyTools
PrivacyTools is a PrivacyTech, that is, a startup in the field of privacy, accelerated by and is one of the pioneers in Brazil in offering solutions for LGPD.
The company aims to transform the way companies protect and manage the privacy of personal data and has 150+ companies such as Rede D'or, Banco RCI, Pague Menos, São João Pharmacies, Bom Jesus Group, University of Fortaleza, Synnex Corporation, among others.

For press vehicles, PrivacyTools solutions help maintain the privacy of those who browse online articles, by managing cookies that are authorized by readers, writing Privacy Policies and mapping the data about users that are collected and used to recognize and minimize the risk of leakage or misuse of information.