Success Cases.
Check out some success stories of customers who have completed their LGPD compliance program.
RBS Group deploys LGPD project with PrivacyTools
With the entry into force of the LGPD (General Data Protection Law) in September 2020, all companies began to prioritize adaptation projects to protect the privacy and data protection of customers, users and consumers.
Whoever didn't leave for the last hour got ahead. Many organizations have been working in this direction for a long time and today they have the most advanced mechanisms for protecting the privacy of readers, subscribers and other individuals such as employees and partners. One of them is Grupo RBS.
The concern with users' privacy has always been part of the company's governance, systems planning and processes activities.

GRPCOM complies with the LGPD with PrivacyTools
The LGPD (General Data Protection Law) has been in effect since August 2020 and will apply penalties as of August 2021. As a result, several companies are intensifying their care for the personal data of customers, employees and suppliers.
An example of this is Grupo Paranaense de Comunicação (GRPCom), which started the adaptation process in 2020. “The initial estimated time was 9 to 12 weeks and we closed the diagnostic phase at 16 weeks, extending it as a result of legislative changes, home office and other impacts of the pandemic”, explains Rita de Cácia de Medeiros, DPO (Data Protection Officer) of the organization.

Pay Less Pharmacies implement management system for LGPD
With the entry into force of the LGPD (General Data Protection Law) in September 2020, all companies started to prioritize adaptation projects to protect the privacy and protection of data of customers, users and consumers and the search for tools for conformity.
But not every company left it to the last minute, many have been working in this direction for a long time and today they have the most advanced mechanisms and systems for LGPD to guarantee the privacy of customers, employees and suppliers: We are talking about Pague Menos pharmacies.

Health and Pharmacy
Unimed Ceará in compliance with the LGPD with Privacy Tools
Unimed Ceará, a cooperative that brings together nine affiliates in the state of Ceará, hired an automated system to adapt its website to the LGPD offered by the Brazilian Privacy Tools. One of the modules that Privacy Tools offers and has been contracted is the "Cookies Management", which serves to manage the website's cookies and keep it in compliance with the General Law for the Protection of Personal Data - LGPD.
Unimed Ceará is the winner of three Great Place To Work awards; They are: Best Company to Work for in Ceará (2016), Best Company to Work for in the Health Area (2017) and Best Company to Work for in Brazil (2017). “Unimed Ceará is a strong client that adds even more to our list of clients who are concerned about their data and that of their users. After all, different organizations ask for different data protection strategies”, highlights Privacy Tools CEO Aline Deparis.
KNOW MOREFinancial
Banco RCI Brasil and other Group companies implements a system for LGPD in Brazil
With the entry into force of the LGPD (General Data Protection Law) in September 2020, all companies began to prioritize adaptation projects to protect the privacy and data of their customers, users and consumers, including with compliance tools.
But not every company left it to the last minute, many have been working in this direction for a long time and today have the most advanced mechanisms, controls and systems aimed at compliance with the LGPDo that guarantees the best privacy practices for customers, employees and suppliers: We are talking about Banco RCI Brasil and other companies in the RCI Group.

FRUTAP invests in data protection with Privacy Tools
Founded in 1984 as a small dairy, FRUTAP has always prioritized innovation for the development of the best dairy products for consumers, with production processes, packaging technologies and the incessant search for the best in raw materials.
The project developed by i9Alpha used the privacy management platform of Privacy Tools, a pioneer privacytech in Brazil in systems for automation and adaptation of the LGPD. “We evaluate several consultancies and platforms before starting the adaptation process. Today we are sure of the correct choice. Little by little, FRUTAP and other group companies gain maturity in the matter and demonstrate their commitment and respect with their customers and everyone involved in their operations”, explains Dr. Christian Cardoso de Siqueira – Legal Department – FRUTAP.
FIEMG in compliance with the LGPD using the Privacy Tools tool
The FIEMG System is composed of FIEMG, SESI, SENAI, CIEMG and IEL. It acts as a federation of industry unions, represents the interests of the sector and works for the national and international growth of the mining industry.
In order to optimize the governance of maintaining compliance with the General Data Protection Law, in 2022 FIEMG hired Privacy Tools, a company specializing in technology for privacy and data protection, through a bidding process.

Insurance and Security
Sancor Seguros GDPR compliant with Privacy Tools
The national startup's LGPD platform was chosen by the insurer to accelerate its adequacy and compliance program.
Since the General Data Protection Law came into force in September 2020, the debate on the topic has been recurrent. Big and small companies have started a race against time in search of ways to adapt to the new law, which even now can generate fines.
In times when personal data is considered the "new oil", guaranteeing the security and privacy of customers has proved to be a far from easy task.

UniRios accelerates privacy project with technological and collaborative strategies
Obtaining the status of University Center granted greater independence in the creation of courses to the institution, after approval by the Ministry of Education on October 21, through Ordinance No. 1,789/MEC in the Official Gazette of the Union.
The institution gained a new identity, carrying the São Francisco River as a mark that so well characterizes the region, further enriching the educational legacy of professor Gilberto Gomes de Oliveira's pioneering initiatives.
KNOW MOREEducation
Bom Jesus Educational Group: Adaptation to LGPD improves results
In order to comply with the General Personal Data Protection Law - LGPD, Grupo Educacional Bom Jesus established a partnership with Privacy Tools.
Grupo Educacional Bom Jesus, maintainer of FAE Centro Universitário and Colégio Bom Jesus, together with Universidade São Francisco (USF) started their process of adapting to LGPD in 2018, at the time of publication of the law, through internal discussions about the applicability of the legislation in relation to the company.
The protection of personal data has always been a factor of great importance for the institution.

UNICAP adopts Privacy Tools solutions for LGPD
The implementation project was in partnership with Lumi Consult and brought improvements to the management and protection of data for more than 10 thousand students.
The General Data Protection Law (LGPD) has just completed three years of validity in Brazil. During this period, the National Data Protection Authority (ANPD) documented over 600 security incidents. Compared to other market sectors, the education segment is one of those that manages its customers' personal data for the longest time.
For this reason, the Catholic University of Pernambuco (UNICAP), through a partnership with Lumi Consult, adopted Privacy Tools solutions.
KNOW MOREEducation
Privacy Tools supports Colégio Farroupilha in LGPD project
With more than a century of history and one of the most traditional schools in Porto Alegre, the institution sees data protection as a strategic issue and, therefore, adopted the technology from the company from Rio Grande do Sul.
In 138 years of history, Colégio Farroupilha's mission is commitment and care for the community. This mission becomes even more important when it comes to privacy and data protection. Therefore, to manage more than 15 thousand data from its audience, the institution relies on Privacy Tools solutions.

Sicoob Central Crediminas
The cooperative's pioneering initiative for adequacy is highlighted in Brazil and serves as an example for this important segment throughout the country.
With the entry into force of the LGPD (General Personal Data Protection Law) in September 2020, all companies began to prioritize adequacy projects to protect the privacy and data protection of customers, users and consumers.
Sicoob Central Crediminas is a second degree cooperative of the Sicoob System, responsible for the coordination and centralization of the operational and representation processes of its affiliated singular cooperatives, being responsible for R$ 41 billion in assets and with 723 branches.
Eletrobras relies on Privacy Tools Solutions
A leader in electricity generation and transmission in Brazil, Eletrobras experienced significant growth in its customer base in 2023. In response to this growth, the company sought solutions to protect the personal data of customers, employees, and suppliers, opting for Privacy Tools, a national reference in solutions for compliance with the General Data Protection Law (LGPD).
With the project, Privacy Tools provided Eletrobras and its subsidiaries – Eletrosul, Chesf, and Eletronorte – with the centralization and automation of privacy program management processes, ensuring greater efficiency and auditability. The functionality ensures that a person can request access to the information that a controlling organization has about them, as well as understand how this data is processed.

Banese relies on Privacy Tools Solutions
With a net profit of R$17.4 million in the first quarter of 2024, 27% higher than that recorded in the same period last year, and over R$9.7 billion in total assets, Banco do Estado de Sergipe (Banese) has stood out beyond its financial results. It has more than 800 thousand account holders' data and, in order to manage them, the bank relies on Privacy Tools solutions to comply with the General Personal Data Protection Law (LGPD).
According to Project Manager Marcelo Menezes, the search for a solution that complies with the legislation was a natural path for the institution. “The care with data protection in the financial sector must be even greater. With this investment, we also demonstrate our responsibility and respect for the data privacy of our customers", he adds.
eSales implements Privacy Tools solutions in compliance with the Data Protection Act
Pioneer in Brazil in partner integration and development of business communities, eSales is yet another company that has decided to join Privacy Tools in search of security regarding the fundamental rights of freedom and privacy, through the General Data Protection Law Personal - LGPD.
According to eSales Chief Security Officer (CSO), Rudimar Grass, first months of adapting to the requirements of the LGPD were focused on learning of the platform and the Law. “We count on the support of support and Privacy Tools commercial, so that everything happened as quickly as possible within the platform, while training our collaborators with Data Protection Officer certifications”, he praises.

Aiming to comply with the LGPD, Proative Tec uses a privacy tool from Privacy Tools
Proative Tec is a company specialized in technology solutions that seeks to offer companies automated and proactive management, aiming to provide efficient management.
In operation since 2007, the company's mission is to support its customers in implementing efficient service management, simplifying decision-making processes and optimizing results.
KNOW MORETechnology
How to differentiate yourself in the market after adapting to the LGPD
In a scenario where data protection has become a priority, Sispro, a Rio Grande do Sul-based company specializing in the development of software for business management, has adapted to the General Data Protection Law (LGPD) with the help of Privacy Tools solutions.
After a long journey of learning about the LGPD, and given the complexity of the topic, Sispro decided to seek specialized support, both legal and technological. Renato Zardo, IT Manager and DPO at Sispro, highlights the importance of having an internal committee dedicated to the LGPD, created to address the topic.

Specialist in retail technology, Linx adopts Privacy Tools solutions
Compliance with the General Data Protection Law (LGPD) has increasingly become an issue in companies' daily lives. The search for solutions to adapt to legislation has been growing in Brazil. It was in this scenario that Linx discovered and adopted Privacy Tools solutions.
“We were looking for a tool that would help us manage LGPD projects and we found Privacy Tools. After some meetings and alignments, we saw that, for us, hiring this platform would be the best option, as it can solve our main needs, especially when acting as a personal data operator”, explains Geisa Trevisan, Data Protection Officer (DPO) at Linx.
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